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členov klastra zo súkromného či verejného sektoru
je celkový obrat, ktorý členovia klastra ročne dosahujú. Vďaka rozvoju IT sektora sa toto číslo neustále zvyšuje.
zamestnancov v členských firmách
Lorem ipsum
ID: 42168341
VAT number: 2022651818
VAT number: SK2022651818
Bank connection: Tatrabanka, as, Žilina branch
Account number: 2626865435/1100, IBAN: SK39 1100 0000 0026 2686 5435, SWIFT/BIC: TATRSKBX
The Z@ict cluster is an interest association of legal entities, established in accordance with the establishment of § 20 letter fa next Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended.
The General Assembly - the highest body of the association. It consists of representatives of all members of the association.
The supervisory board - the control body of the association. The members of the supervisory board are always one delegated member for the Žilina self-governing region and two elected members. Current members are: Katarína Gazdíková, prof. Karol Matiaško and Anila Xhembulla
Presidium - directs and manages the activity of the association. The current members are: Marián Koprda, Vlastimil Kocián, Tomáš Lodňan, Peter Steinhübl and prof. Emil Kršák